Customer Onboarding

Providing a smooth & seamless transition to SpedTrack

We realize that learning a whole new system can be daunting. Our customer success team has taught thousands of educators across the country how to use SpedTrack, and we are focused on ensuring our solution brings you value from the moment you first log in.

Our 5-Step Implementation Process

We realize that learning a whole new system can be daunting and you may not even know where to begin. While we tailor each implementation to the needs of each district, below is a brief overview of what you can expect. 

Site Setup

Our Customer Success team will build your site and give you access. You will work in collaboration with your SpedTrack Implementation Manager to import student, staff, and district data.

Attend Kickoff Call

In this call, your Implementation Manager will provide an overview of the training process, an explanation of how the learning management system will be accessed, and answers to any questions you have about the implementation process.

Administrator Training

We take the data you submitted and import all the data into your new SpedTrack site. This way everything is ready to go from day one.

Teacher Training

Whether you choose online or in-person training, we use hands-on and personalized training to ensure success.


We want you to be successful long after training. That is why we do periodic check-ins to verify everything is progressing smoothly.


We want you to be successful long after training. That is why we do periodic check-ins to verify everything is progressing smoothly.


Learning Management System

We developed a custom online learning platform that is packed with countless videos and tutorials that are customized to your specific state. Watch videos, complete quizzes, and monitor user progress as you and your team work to get SpedTrack certified. 

Standard Onboarding

  • Online Learning Platform
  • Project Management
  • Project Management
  • Site Configuration
  • Admin Training
  • Progress Tracking

Premium Onboarding

  • Online Learning Platform
  • Project Management
  • Project Management
  • Site Configuration
  • Admin Training
  • Progress Tracking

Pick The Plan That Works Best For you

At SpedTrack, we realize that every district is different. That is why we offer different versions of our onboarding so you can pick the option that is best suited for your needs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have some questions about how our implementation process works. We compiled a list of some of our most common questions here.

This largely is determined by the district and how quickly they can provide SpedTrack with system data (students, buildings, services, etc.). 

In general, it is not uncommon for an average implementation to last a month from start to finish. 

We understand that districts will have particular days that they would like to have training. We do our best to accommodate those needs if possible. However, training dates are subject to availability. 

Tip: The sooner you can sign your contract, the sooner you get to select your implementation date. This could give you priority selection (especially during the busy season). 

While both are great options, the answer depends on each district and their specific needs. In general, 3/4 of our districts opt to use the online training due to its high quality and low cost. 

We provide districts with our implementation guide (spreadsheet) for districts to fill out. Once this sheet has been filled out by the district, they will submit it to SpedTrack. From here, SpedTrack will import this data into the districts site.

Yes! If the district can provide SpedTrack with an organized structure of PDFs, SpedTrack can do a bulk import of these into the system. 

Note: This is an additional fee. Please talk with your Sales Representative if you are interested. 

Yes! If the district can provide SpedTrack with an organized structure of PDFs, SpedTrack can do a bulk import of these into the system. 

Note: This is an additional fee. Please talk with your Sales Representative if you are interested. 

While we are flattered you think it may be possible, that feature has not yet been released… 😉

Powerful Together and Separately

Choose from our suite of products to build the perfect special education solution for your district. 

Special Education Software

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