IEP software companies often provide a great system for teachers to write compliant IEPs and other special education related forms. However, many of these systems have failed to update and streamline the process of delivering IEPs and other special education forms.
The problem with printed IEPs or IEP forms attached in an email.
Since providing a copy of the IEP to the parent/guardian of the child is a mandatory part of the Special Education process, it is something that should be taken seriously. Most IEPs are distributed in one of two ways:
Printed off and hand delivered – This is an easy way to deliver IEP forms, but can potentially fall into the wrong hands. This can pose a big security risk to your students and staff. This method also increases paper usage and dreaded traffic jams at the printer.
Attached in an email – Since most IEP systems generate forms as a PDF, they can easily be attached in an email. This is a much more streamlined approach as compared to printing off a paper copy, but you have no way to verify if the parent actually received the IEP forms or not. Just because you email it to them does not mean that they actually received it.
Since we know that neither of these methods are completely fool proof, what should we do?
A better way to deliver IEP forms.
What if there was an IEP system that could electronically deliver the IEP documents to recipients of your choice automatically? What if it required a password for parents to access those documents? Could it even log and notify me when the parent/guardian accessed those documents? SpedTrack is the first IEP system to offer a fully integrated way to deliver IEP documents. This more automated approach streamlines document distribution, improves document integrity and safety, and keeps an automated log of the parents interactions with the document. I have included a quick clip of what it looks like below.
If you would like to see it in more detail, or would like to see what the secured email looks like, click here to learn more. Have a question or comment about this post? Fill out a comment below to start the conversation!